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Painting job includes all the preparation of the motorcycle in order to get a good quality and sustainable paint, but also the clearcoating and final lostring to give you  a glossy bike. I employ professionnal quality paints and clearcoats, from the automobile industry and the latest technology in creating fabulous pigments. I can paint all kind of bikes, scooters, pocket bikes, shoppers : Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Harley, Triumph...

Bases           Swirl           Patterns,airbrush           Glitters           Custom           Cameleon           Pearl          Iris          Crystal          Others



Classic paint with the color of your choice : glossy, metallic, pearled.

Here are just some examples of colors among the thousands of possibilities.
Please ask me informations about the many existing paints from cars or bikes industry.

What you should know before contacting me :
Classic paints basis for adding a pigment or paint effect and/or decoration. Paint a black bike in white (or vice versa) don't fall within the scope oy my services, namely personalization and custom. Thank you for understanding.


rouge rubis spirited green
bleu extreme bleu neysha
noir intense orange étincelle
or phoenix prune foncé
blanc ambient or anodisé
rouge lucifer gris silverstar
orange salamanque jaune modena
orange tangerine vert vipère
noir onyx vert lézard
radiant ebony beige lune d'été
aurora blue jaune tournesol